Friday, July 30, 2010

Video Games

My wife and I got a nintendo wii a few years ago.  The kids were still young and were not at all interested in it and we didn't even play it that much to be honest.  We downloaded some of the old school nintendo games to play, thats why we bought the damn thing.  Super mario bros., punch out and double dribble was our addiction.  Well Carmine starts getting a little older and is starting to show interest in the wii.  And to be honest, I really don't know how it happened but it was like one day he woke up and knew how it worked and played super mario bros. every day in the morning before school.  I shit you not, I would hear him get up in the middle of the night and turn everything on and play.  I woke up one night at 230am and all I hear is that super mario music, like what the hell!  Anyway, things went from bad to worse, real freakin quick.  It soon became an addiction for him and it was a fight every morning before and after school.  That's all he wanted to do.  The first thing out of his mouth when I got him at daycare was "I wanna play super mario bros.".  Well, one day I started slowly taking it away and cutting down his play time to 1 hour a day.  But the resistance was torturous.  My infamous low frustration tolerance kicked in one day when carmine was fighting with me to get the remote out of my hand as I was trying to take it away,  I yanked the damn wii right outta the tv stand and smashed it on the floor.  After I had done that I knew I was gonna hear it from Lindsey.  I told her "Rocco got a hold of it and dropped it and it stopped working".  I had a warranty on it so I sent it back to get fixed and now it works again.  But I left it boxed up for a while after that so Carmine would learn to live without it.
I'm sorry honey you had to find out like this.  But at least there are no holes in the wall this time.


  1. How could you blame that on our poor child?

  2. So instead of teaching him the lesson of diversifying his activity schedule, you taught him that daddy is a rageaholic and will smash shit he doesn't give up voluntarily :)
